I met Terry Smith as a law student at Fordham law school. Throughout my time there, he mentored me and we had many, many conversations about race and the law. We remained in contact throughout the years, including during his tenure at DePaul and later. We even discussed parternering to open a labor and employment law firm. He said, "I feel sorry for thos folks [employers] right now!" I said, "Me too." I was broken hearted to learn of his passing. I had been reaching out to him repeatedly with no response which was so unlike him! Finally, I learn of his passing from a Google search. What a wonderful, brilliant man. I am a better lawyer for knowing him. The legal academy is a better place for his presence. I will miss him dearly.
Hello DRV, so sorry you didn’t get the word sooner. It still shocks and saddens all of us.
Terry you were one of a kind. I text you in April and left several messages shortly after without any reply. I just looked online and saw that you made your way to glory. What a man of strength, conviction and principle.RIP.
Our Sincerest Condolences, STU BLSA 19-'20 purchased the
Enchanted Cottage for the family of Terry Smith.
Terry and I met in our first year of college in a Spanish class. The most important benefit of those semesters was becoming friends. He was a great comfort during difficult times. He was a mensch, and a scholar. My condolences to all his loved ones.
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
This is a great photo! These pictures are bringing tears to my eyes. To the family and friends of Professor Smith- I send my deepest condolences! I had the honor and pleasure to be taught by Professor Smith at St. Thomas. May he rest in power and peace. With Love, Samira
A webcast video has been added.
1 file added to the tribute wall
Rest in power Professor Smith, thank you!
Rest well, Professor.
Mark A. Norwood
Beautifully said Audrey. I really is amazing how Terry counseled so many of us! Devastating loss!
I only had the opportunity to know Terry for the one semester he was at St. Thomas, but was very impressed by his commitment to his students and was excited that he would be joining our academic community. It was devastating for many of us to lose him after just having welcomed him to our faculty. He was a great addition to our Con Law team and I looked forward to working with him on the upcoming elections, where he no doubt would have been a much needed force of nature here in Florida.
Terry was my Constitutional Law professor at St. Thomas School of Law in Miami. He had a brilliant mind, and was not afraid to share his life experiences for the betterment of the class. He truly made me think about the law in a way I had never done before. Rest in Paradise.
Rest well, Terry.
John Banks
Terry was a light in this world. He was ours to enjoy for a while but God wanted him back. He has gone to a better place. He will be deeply missed and never forgotten. My sincere condolences to his family - may the strength of his spirit support you through your sorrow. Until we meet again, rest in peace dear Terry. Iyiola
I had the privilege of meeting Terry several years ago at a retreat for black male law professors. Terry instantly became a friend and mentor---offering both support and honest critique. He made me a better scholar and teacher. More importantly, he made me a better person. Whenever we met at some law professor conference, whether in the US or abroad, Terry was always kind enough to make a reservation at one of the finest restaurants in the city and take me to dinner where we could catch up. I will miss his friendship, support, and sound advice. But I will carry his memory and passion for life and social change with me. Rest well, my friend. (Gregory Parks)
Terry we will miss you, The bible promises a resurrection, i look forward to seeing you in paradise. Sleep on till that time.
florence and annette smith
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
"Now cracks a noble heart.Good night,Sweet Prince;
And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest."
William Shakespeare
Sleep well,Terry..rest in peace.
To Terry Smith’s family, please accept my sincere condolences on his passing. Terry was simply an amazing person. Smart, funny, loyal, righteous, and dedicated. So many have said he was a friend and mentor. He was each of these in so many ways. I had so looked forward to his being in Miami, and will treasure the laughs we had while he was here. We love him, and will miss him terribly. We pray your strength. I often remarked that Terry was the freest black man I knew. But he worked so tirelessly that others might be free. I hope your memories and his legacy will comfort you.
Terry, what a privilege to have met you in 2015. We spent several wonderful academics summer weeks with our students from the Summer School Programm of the DePaul University in Berlin. Among many other things, I will never forget our inspiring conversations about race in the States and in Germany.
My dearest, rest well - we will miss you.
My condolences to his family.
Cengiz Barskanmaz
Rest In Peace, Professor Smith. We all enjoyed having you lead our constitutional law course.
I met my "Uncle Terry" on a cruise back in 2003 (if you know Terry you know he loved a fabulous vacation!) but it seemed like he had always been around, the young Uncle I never had. Terry and I immediately clicked because of his sharp wit and piercing intelligence. Terry was always able to make you laugh the deepest guttural belly laugh and then also drop a nugget of knowledge that you didn't know you needed. I will miss my friend so very much. Specifically Terry's love for his people, his take no sh*t attitude (fist raised in the air) and his love of life. I could write pages and pages lauding my friend but in many cases - you just had to be there. I will miss my friend, but his spirit lives on.
Love you Unc! You did it your way indeed!
I was blessed to have met Terry 11 years ago, near the end of my first year as a law professor. Over the years, I benefited from his wise career and life advice. It was a joy and an honor to work with my mentor in co-founding alongside two other brilliant brothers, the John Mercer Langston Black Male Writing Workshop. He was an authentic and dedicated teacher, scholar, and leader. Terry Smith was a good human being.
Terry, you have been a true friend and a generous mentor to me and to so many others. Thank you for everything.
Rest in peace.
4 files added to the album Terry’s extraordinary life!
Terry was one of the first friends I made at Brown University during our freshman year together. With our A Better Chance Program scholarships and much attitude we held each other up. Thirty-eight years later he remained a true and loyal friend. It was a great honor when he asked me to escort his mother around New York City when he graduated from NYU Law School, because I got to share the joy that his mother had at seeing him be so successful. Then he kept kicking behinds in the name of justice even when it took a toll on him. It is so inadequate but true to say - he will be missed deeply.
I met Terry when I started at Fordham in 1996. From the beginning he was welcoming and supportive and we ultimately became great friends. We had a small circle of friends who dine at Fordham and found any excuse to schedule a good meal together. That tradition continues after he left Fordham. Every chance we had to get together, during conferences and visits to NYC and Chicago, we would fine the best restaurants and fellowship together for hours. Terry was a true warrior for justice. He is known for his unrelenting ability to speak truth to power no matter the cost. But he was also just a great friend. He was funny and loyal and always supportive. His was larger than life and I will miss him so! My condolences goes out to the entire smith family.
Terry was a colleague in the academy, a trusted source and a brother in arms. His loss is incalculable. Reading Whitelash, his latest achievement, I hear the incredible clarity of his voice, the fearlessness and incisiveness of his analysis and its profound singularity. Terry's mind was one of those rare gifts, a combination of relentless compassion and indignant truthfulness that represented God's work among us. Words found their power and their beauty in his capable hands. This should have been his moment.
Terry, we need you. We will always need you. We miss you now.
With blessings and condolences to the family.
David Troutt
Terry Smith was exceptional person. Though he took the job of being a legal scholar and teacher with utter seriousness, he had an irreverent sense of humor. He often made piercing observations that sounded contrarian, but he was usually right. Terry's principles guided him to the truth. Fiercely committed to using law to advance the cause of justice for Black people Terry fought often and he fought hard. Holding himself and others to the highest standards, he spoke truth to power through his writing. A prolific author, Terry produced many law review articles, book chapters, op eds in national papers in addition to two books: Barack Obama, Post-Racialism, and the New Politics of Triangulation and his latest book, Whitelash: Unmasking White Grievance at the Ballot Box. He also wrote poetry. Behind the scenes, Terry also fought on behalf of others. He actively supported a multitude of professors of color through mentorship, advice behind the scenes and advocacy on behalf of those who were in trouble.
Terry Smith was also consistently supportive and unfailingly loyal to his friends. A dear friend since 1998, Terry was my intellectual sounding board, my go to person for advice on how to make my way through the maze called academia and simply a friend. An incredible listener, Terry could listen to a muddled partly formed idea and make sense out of it, find something compelling in it and then weeks or months later bring the idea up again and ask how it was developing. He was also good for a good loud laugh, a gripe about the failings of the world and an inspiration to keep striving to make the things we could touch a bit better.
His loss is tragic. He will be missed by many. I offer my deep condolences to his family for their loss.
4 files added to the album Terry’s extraordinary life!
2 files added to the album Terry’s extraordinary life!
1 file added to the album Terry’s extraordinary life!
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
1 file added to the album Terry’s extraordinary life!
I am so very sorry for your loss -- all of our loss, really. Terry was a dear, dear friend and I miss him sorely. I met Terry almost 20 years ago at a law teachers conference in Hawaii. He became both a dear friend and mentor. Terry was a true intellectual. He was also deeply principled and he was not afraid to speak truth to power. He was fiercely loyal. There was nothing he wouldn't do for a friend. He was truly one of kind. I treasure the time I had with him. I never imagined that time would be so short. I miss him as I know you do.
Keeping you in my prayers,
Rhonda Reaves
8 files added to the album Terry’s extraordinary life!
Beautiful picture y’all had lots of fun!!!
2 files added to the album Terry’s extraordinary life!
4 files added to the album Terry’s extraordinary life!
11 files added to the album Terry’s extraordinary life!
My in-person interactions with Terry were infrequent, but his work and courage deeply impacted me. When I heard him speak at conferences and spoke with him afterwards, his courage to speak truth to power convinced me he was one of the last of a generation of giants arising from the civil rights movement. We need more Terry's in legal academia and the law profession. Although he left us too soon,Terry's commitment to social justice and his work will live on through us.
Here is a poem I wrote in his honor: https://lawprofessors.typepad.com/racelawprof/2020/04/farewell-poem-terry-smith.html
Terry was one of my very best friends. I knew him for 25 years. For most of that time, we talked each week, and many times, everyday. He was loyal, smart, kind, and dedicated to helping humanity. I miss him so much.
Terry always brought wit and gifted discussion to our monthly birthday celebrations in Chicago . I admired his principles and the way he stood up for the rights of African Americans struggling with racist practices in our country . He was fearless but governed by an incredible set of values . He will be greatly missed . I offer my sincere condolences to his family , students , and friends . Prayers ...
Terry is a huge loss for our Black community, and I regret not allowing him into my world and sharing more of my experiences with him especially after reading his work. Terry was very encouraging to me and inspired me as a student at DePaul University to get a PH.D. in the field of Statistics. His death has been shockingly sad for me. I send my heart-felt condolences to the family and friends. May his soul rest in eternal peace.
Brother Terry, you are a scholar and an intellectual giant whose shadow we will grow into for many years to come. You were always generous with your kindness, your wit, and gentle smile. We will love you for eternity, Mitch (Langston Group)
You lived a life none of us could imagine I love you uncle terry! Imma push through this school thing just for you!!
This still seems so unreal you are lived by and will be missed by many.... Rest In Peace little brother you truly did it your way!!!
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.