1996 Ed.D., Organizational Psychology/ Organizational & Transformative Learning, University
of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. Dissertation: Transformative Learning: A Case Study of Thomas’
Theory of Diversity
1988 M.Ed., Corporate Education, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio
1970 B.A., Psychology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Professional Positions:
2008-Present Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Studies degree
program, Union Institute & University, Cincinnati, Ohio. Work collaboratively with the Dean,
faculty, other program administrators, and staff to provide academic and administrative
leadership and assist students in all aspects of their Ph.D. program; responsibilities include, but
are not limited to, program development, recruitment and admissions, curricular planning,
faculty orientation and development, student assessment related to the comprehensive exam
and dissertation, academic residency planning efforts, teaching assignments and dissertation
committee service; provide direction and coordination of assigned programs and staff; provide
direct supervision of employees (full and adjunct faculty and staff) to ensure that performance is
in accordance with university and division procedures and objectives; act in place of the Dean in
the Dean’s absence; provide administrative management and leadership for assigned
departments in collaboration with faculty and other divisional administrators and in a manner
consistent with established university policies and procedures.
1986-Present Organizational Consultant, T.A. Gregory & Associates, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Specialize in management development, leadership training, and the impact of culture and
human complexity on interpersonal and group dynamics in organizations; provide consultation
to organizations interested in leading edge organizational practices to maximize creativity and
productivity; developed a problem-solving model to encourage full utilization of human
resources in organizations; projects include consultation with non-profit organizations, academic
institutions, multinational corporations, community organizations and international consultants;
activities also include conducting research, writing on topics, such as organizational dynamics,
diversity, conflict management, and globalism, and collaborating on the development of a global
institute for the study of diversity and transformative organizational practices; provide training,
group facilitation and process consultation. Former associate with Reflection Learning
Associates, Boston, Massachusetts. Also worked on initiatives with Center for Organizational
Learning at MIT conducting research in major organizations; clients included General Motors,
Microsoft, Shell Oil, Union Pacific, IBM, Alcoa and many other multinational corporations.
2009-2011 Interim Chair, Ethical and Creative Leadership Concentration , Ph.D. in
Interdisciplinary Studies degree program, Union Institute & University, Cincinnati, Ohio.
1997-2007 Professor and Administrator for Grounded Theory/ Grounded Action Research
Concentration; core faculty member in the School of Educational Leadership and Change
(ELC), Fielding Graduate Institute, Santa Barbara, California. Facilitated graduate students’
commitment to and active participation in ongoing research that informed their roles as
educational leaders and change agents; worked with faculty and student colleagues, in
accordance with the scholar/ practitioner collaborative learning model, for which Fielding is
noted, as part of customized, distributed, interdisciplinary, networked learning teams; facilitated
students in the development of research skills through practical experience in conjunction with
their coursework; served as faculty advisor and chair on dissertation committees; also served
and held leadership positions on numerous faculty and institutional committees involving faculty
assessment, institutional effectiveness, and strategic planning; developed and directed the
Grounded Theory/ Grounded Action Research Concentration.
2005-2006 Director, Transformative Leadership and Transformative Learning and Change,
Master and Doctoral Programs, California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, California.
Core faculty member and director of the doctoral program in transformative learning and change
and masters program in transformative leadership; administrative responsibilities included
responsibility for supervision of faculty and development of academic programs.
2005-2006 Director and Core Faculty, Transformative Leadership and Transformative Learning
and Change Masters and Doctoral Programs, California Institute of Integral Studies, San
Francisco, California. Core faculty member and director of the doctoral program in
transformative learning and change and master’s program in transformative leadership.
Administrative responsibilities included responsibility for supervision of faculty and development
of academic programs.
1993-2000 Faculty, Department of Management, School of Economics and Business (AACSB
accredited), Morehouse College, Atlanta, Georgia. Taught Management, Organizational
Behavior, Human Resources Management, and Leadership.
1993-1996 Organizational Consultant/ Director of Research, American Institute for Managing
Diversity, Inc., Atlanta, Georgia. Established and directed a global research division that
conducted and published research in the field of diversity to create interdisciplinary frameworks
for understanding and managing organizational dynamics; developed business plans and all
funding documents, including grant proposals, to major funding agencies; recruited staff and
research partners; established research fellowships and visiting scholars program; obtained
several multiyear funding grants from major corporations; developed a research library and
membership base; directed major research projects, including studies on conflict management,
interviewing processes, Americans with Disabilities, global management, the role of the diversity
practitioner and other surveys, and case studies and analyses in a variety of organizational
settings; authored publications on the subjects of conflict management, organizational
dynamics, and human resources issues; developed post-secondary undergraduate and
graduate curricula incorporating research findings; edited a monthly research newsletter and
developed a quarterly journal and research report series; established, organized, and chaired a
Global Conference on Managing Diversity—participants included scholars and practitioners
from Europe, Africa, The United Kingdom, The Netherlands, and Canada.
1992-1993 Senior Administrator, Spelman College, Atlanta, Georgia. Member of president’s
cabinet; provided organizational and fiscal management for institutional governance division;
developed and prepared oral and written reports, papers, and speeches; reviewed, analyzed,
and codified policy statements; reviewed and critiqued various forms of scholarship such as
manuscripts and research articles.
1984-1992 Senior Administrator, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. Provided
organizational and fiscal management for institutional governance division that included
compliance review and codification of state legal code; developed and reviewed institutional
policy; prepared and reviewed substantive reports. Teaching Assistant, Departments of
Psychology and Educational Foundations. Taught undergraduate courses in Social Psychology,
Educational Psychology, Human Development, Politics of Education, Multicultural Education,
and Organizational Behavior.
Professional Associations:
Academy of Management
American Management Association
Society for Applied Learning Technology
Grounded Theory Institute
Grounded Action Institute
Professional Services:
2009-2011 Chair, Ethical and Creative Leadership Concentration, Ph.D. Program in
Interdisciplinary Studies, Union Institute & University, Cincinnati, Ohio
2008-Present Member, Dean’s Academic Advisory Committee, Union Institute & University
2009-2010 Sussman Dissertation Award Committee, Union Institute & University
2005-2007 Member ELC Program Building Committee, Fielding Graduate University
2004-2006 Member, ELC Executive Committee, Fielding Graduate University
2004-2006 Chair ELC Technology Committee, Fielding Graduate University
2003-2004 Institutional Academic Human Resources Committee, Fielding Graduate University
2004-Present Chair, Technology Committee, School of ELC, Fielding Graduate University
2003-Present Doctoral Level Competencies Committee, School of ELC, Fielding Graduate
2002-2004 Faculty Issues Committee, School of ELC, Fielding Graduate University
2001, 2002 Institutional Programming Priorities Committee, Fielding Graduate University
2001, 2002 Member, Institutional Effectiveness Self Study/Accreditation Team, School of ELC,
Fielding Graduate University
2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Member, President’s Advisory Council, Fielding Graduate University
2000 Chair, Ad Hoc Grants Committee, School of ELC, Fielding Graduate University
2000 Member, Ad Hoc Research Committee, School of ELC, Fielding Graduate University;
1999, 2000 Chair, Faculty Search Committee, School of ELC, Fielding Graduate University
1999, 2000 Member, Scholarship and Praxis Committee, School of ELC, Fielding Graduate
1997, 1998 Member, Research Ethics Committee, Institutional and School of ELC, Fielding
Graduate University
1997, 1998 Member, Faculty Issues Committee, School of ELC, Fielding Graduate University
Scholarship of Discovery:
Gregory, T., Raffanti, M., & Forman, M. (Eds.). (in press). An integral perspective on diversity
dynamics: Exploring the maturation of diversity theory and practice. New York: SUNY Press.
Gregory, T., & Raffanti, M. (2006, October-November). (Eds.) Grounded action: An evolutionary
systems methodology. Special Double Issue of World Futures: The Journal of General
Evolution, 62(7).
Kleiner, A., Roth, G., Thomas, A., Gregory, T., & Hammell, E. (2000). Oil change: Perspectives
on corporate transformation. New York: Oxford University Press.
Interdisciplinary Scholarship:
Articles and Papers
Raffanti, M., & Gregory, T. (2012, February). Leveraging diversity: The life and leadership of
Malcolm X. Presented at the Tobias Leadership Conference. Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Gregory, T., Raffanti, M., & Forman, M. (2011, September) Diversity and Integral Leadership.
International Integral Leadership Collaborative Online Conference.
Raffanti, M., & Gregory, T. (2011). “Climbing a great hill”: The process of Integral Diversity
Maturity illustrated in Nelson Mandela’s Autobiography Long Walk to Freedom. International
Journal of Diversity in Organizations, Communities and Nations. 11(2), 177-184.
Gregory, T., & Raffanti, M. (2010). Leveraging diversity. In R. Couto (Ed.), The Handbook of
Political and Civic Leadership. Los Angeles: SAGE.
Raffanti, M., & Gregory, T. (2010, July). “Climbing a great hill”: Integral diversity maturity
illustrated in the autobiographies of Nelson Mandela and Malcolm X. Presented at the 2010
Integral Theory Conference: Enacting an Integral Future at John F. Kennedy University: San
Francisco, California.
Gregory, T., & Raffanti, M. (2009). Integral diversity maturity: Toward a post-conventional
understanding of diversity dynamics. The Journal of Integral Theory and Practice. 4(3), 41-58.
Gregory, T., & Raffanti, M. (2008, August). Integral Diversity Maturity: Toward a Postconventional
Understanding of Diversity Dynamics. Paper presented at the biennial conference
Integral Theory in Action: Serving Self, Other and Kosmos at John F. Kennedy University: San
Francisco, California.
Gregory, T., & Raffanti, M. (2006). Introduction. World Futures: The Journal of General
Evolution. 62(7), 477-480.
Gregory, T. (2006). An evolutionary theory of diversity: The contributions of grounded theory
and grounded action to reconceptualizing and reframing diversity as a complex phenomenon.
World Futures: The Journal of General Evolution, 62(7), 542-550.
Simmons, O., & Gregory, T. (2003, September). Grounded action: Achieving optimal and
sustainable change. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung/ Forum: Qualitative Social Research
[Online Journal], 4(3). Reprinted in 2004 in The Grounded Theory Review: An International
Journal, 4 (1), 87-112; 2005 in Historische Sozialforschung/ The Journal of Historical Social
Research, 30, (1)140-156.
Gregory, T. (1999). Beyond winners and losers: Diversity as a learning phenomenon. In P.
Senge, A. Kleiner, C. Roberts, R. Ross, G. Roth, & B. Smith (Eds.). The Dance of Change The
Challenges to Sustaining Momentum in Learning Organizations (pp. 274-279). New York:
Doubleday Currency Books.
Gregory, T. (1996). Transformative learning: A case study of Thomas’ theory of diversity.
(Doctoral dissertation, University of Cincinnati). UMI No. 9707997.
Gregory, T., & Lewis, R. (1996). Managing functional diversity. In J. Schermerhorn (ed.).
Organizational Behavior. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
Gregory, T., & Lewis, R. (1996). Functional diversity at work: Client driven case for managing
diversity at IBM. In E. Kossek & S. Lobel (Eds.). Managing Diversity: Human resource
strategies for transforming the workplace. New York: Blackwell.
Thomas, R., & Gregory, T. (1995). Managing diversity: A new perspective on managing conflict.
AIMD Research Notes, 2(8/9), 1-3. Atlanta: American Institute for Managing Diversity, Inc.
Gregory, T. (1995). Ethics, science and the social contract. AIMD Research Notes, 2(7), 1-5.
Atlanta: American Institute for Managing Diversity, Inc.
Gregory, T. (1995). Managing diversity with a global mindset. AIMD Research Notes, 2(5), 1-4.
Atlanta: American Institute for Managing Diversity, Inc.
Gregory, T. (1995). The concept of self-managing work teams as a model for managing
diversity. AIMD Research Notes, 2(4), 1-4. Atlanta: American Institute for Managing Diversity,
Gregory, T. (1995). NAFTA: Implications for managing diversity within the new economic
framework. AIMD Research Notes, 2(2), 1-4. Atlanta: American Institute for Managing Diversity,
Gregory, T., & Ouellette, C. (1995). Study examines the issue of competencies for workplace
diversity practitioners. Employment Relations Today, 22(1), 47-57.
Thomas, R., & Gregory, T. (1994). A diversity perspective on the language challenge.
Employment Relations Today, 20(4), 363-376.
Cole, J., & Gregory, T. (1993). The value of higher education in a changing economy. Paper
prepared for the Southern Regional Education Board’s Commission for Educational Quality
“Voices of America for Higher Education” Series.
Cole, J., & Gregory, T. (1993). Review of “Values of the academy in a downsizing era” for The
Journal of Higher Education Management.
Cole, J., & Gregory, T. (1993), March). Comments regarding declining numbers of Blacks at
American universities. Prepared for the Premier Edition Symposium of The Journal of Blacks in
Higher Education.
Cole, J., & Gregory, T. (1993). Promise of a better way: Transformational leadership in higher
education. Paper presented by J. Cole at the IBM Higher Education Executive Conference,
Atlanta, Georgia.
Gregory, T. (1988). Training as a facilitator of the acculturation/ enculturation process in
organizations. Master’s Thesis, University of Cincinnati, Ohio.
Presentations and Workshops
Chair, Grounded Theory/ Grounded Action Annual Research Symposium, Fielding Graduate
University, School of Educational Leadership and Change, San Francisco, California, 2003-
Gregory, T. (2004). Leadership, creativity and diversity. Presented at the California Institute of
Integral Studies, Transformative Leadership Program Series. San Francisco, California.
Gregory, T. (2003). The transcendent nature of diversity. Presented at the Ghandi/ King Season
for Nonviolence. Cincinnati, Ohio: New Thought Unity Center.
Gregory, T. (2003). Diversity as a transcendent concept. Broadcast on Life is Meant to be Good.
Cincinnati, Ohio: WVXU Radio.
Gregory, T., & Simmons, O. (2002). Grounded Action: A Transformative Research
Methodology. Presentation to the Alaska Cluster, School of Educational Leadership and
Change, Fielding Graduate Institute, Anchorage, Alaska.
Gregory, T., & Simmons, O. (2001). Grounded Action: Achieving Optimal and sustainable
change. Presentation at the Action Research Symposium, Fielding Graduate Institute,
Alexandria, Virginia.
Gregory, T. (1999, November). Research design. Workshop presented at the Bay Area Cohort
of the School of Educational Leadership and Change, Fielding Graduate Institute, San
Francisco, California.
Gregory, T., Henderson, L., & Simmons, O. (1999, October). Research design. Workshop
presented at the Southeast Regional Research Intensive, The School of Educational Leadership
and Change, Fielding Graduate Institute, Atlanta, Georgia.
Gregory, T. (1999, September). Management and leadership. Workshop presented at a meeting
of the Pacific Northwest Cohort of the School of Educational Leadership and Change, Fielding
Graduate Institute, Seattle, Washington.
Gregory, T. (1999, July). Designing and developing an action research dissertation proposal.
Workshop presented at the 1999 National Session of the School of Educational Leadership and
Change, Fielding Graduate Institute, Tucson, Arizona.
Gregory, T. (1999, July). Action research and ways of knowing. Workshop presented at the
1999 National Session of the School of Educational Leadership and Change, Fielding Graduate
Institute, Tucson, Arizona.
Gregory, T. (1999, July). Millennium leadership. Presented at the Opening Session of the 1999
National Session of the School of Educational Leadership and Change, Fielding Graduate
Institute, Tucson, Arizona.
Gregory, T., & Papgeorgiou, C. (1999, March). The next wave in team leadership. Workshop
presented at the Annual Spring Symposium of the Morehouse Business Association,
Morehouse College, Atlanta, Georgia.
Gregory, T. (1999, February). Designing and developing an action research dissertation
proposal. Workshop presented at the Regional Research Intensive of the School of Educational
Leadership and Change, Fielding Graduate Institute, Seattle, WA.
Gregory, T. (1999, January). Action research and ways of knowing. Workshop presented at a
meeting of the Atlanta Regional Cohort of the School of Educational Leadership and Change,
Fielding Graduate Institute, Atlanta, Georgia.
Gregory, T. (1998, September). Action research and ways of knowing. Workshop presented at
the Southeast Regional Intensive of the School of Educational Leadership and Change
Program, Fielding Graduate Institute, Savannah, Georgia.
Gregory, T. (1998, July). Leadership and management. Workshop presented at the 1998
National Session of the School of Educational Leadership and Change, Fielding Graduate
Institute, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Gregory, T. (1997, March). Are you ready for Ms. Boss. Presented at the Morehouse Business
Association Spring Symposium, Atlanta, Georgia.
Gregory, T. (1997, March). The future of work. Presented at a meeting of Women in Business,
Georgia Institute for Technology, Atlanta, Georgia.
Gregory, T. (1996, November). The future of work: Entrepreneurship in the twenty-first century.
Presented a t a meeting of the Society of African American Business Women, Spelman College,
Atlanta, Georgia.
Gregory, T. (1996, February). Sexual Harassment: Is it about sex or power? Presented at a
colloquium hosted by the Morehouse Business Association, Morehouse College, Atlanta,
Gregory, T. (1996, January). Building a diverse volunteer base. Presentation to the 1996
Leadership Conference of City Cares of America, Coca-Cola Corporate Headquarters, Atlanta,
Gregory, T. (1996). Future search: The evolving role of the change agent. Plenary address
presented at the annual meeting of The National Conference of Christians and Jews, Martin
Luther King, Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change, Atlanta, Georgia.
Gregory, T. (1995). Topics on diversity. Presented at a colloquium hosted by the Organizational
Psychology Program, The California School of Professional Psychology, San Diego, California.
Gregory, T. (1995, October). A transformative theory of diversity. Presented at a colloquium
hosted by the Department of Education, Georgia College, Macon, Georgia.
Gregory, T. (1995, July). What is diversity? Panel moderator for a meeting of the American
Women in Radio and Television, Atlanta, Georgia.
Gregory, T. (1995, May). Borders and boundaries. Presentation sponsored by Nexus
Contemporary Art Center, Atlanta, Georgia.
Gregory, T. (1995, April). The state of diversity. Presentation to the Workforce Diversity Task
Force of The National Conference of Christians and Jews, New York, NY.
Gregory, T. (1994, March). Glass ceiling, dimensions of diversity and a model for problem
solving. Presented at a panel on affirmative action sponsored by Berkshire Associates, Inc.,
Baltimore, Maryland.
Gregory, T. (1994, February). Managing diversity within the new economic framework:
Challenges, opportunities and risks. Paper presented at the 1994 Netter Labor-Management-
Public Policy Seminar, Cornell University, New York, NY.
Gregory, T. (1993, March). Slaying the dragons: The construction of a revolutionary
consciousness for African American women in educational leadership. Paper presented at the
53rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, San Antonio, TX.
Gregory, T., & Westmoreland, C. (1992, march). Visioning for the future. Workshop presented to
the Veterans Administration Rehabilitation Services, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Gregory, T., Kelly, J., & Westmoreland, C. (1992, January). Roles, rites and rituals in
organizational culture. Workshop presented at the Institute for Consultation and Training,
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Gregory, T. (1991, November). Effective educational leadership. Paper presented for the
Department of Educational Foundations, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Gregory, T. (1991, June). A meta-analysis of the effect of socioeconomic status on achievement
in African American. Research report presented for the Department of Educational
Foundations, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Gregory, T. (1990, November). Ethics, science and the social system. Paper presented for the
Department of Educational Foundations, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Rev. 4/12
TONI A. GREGORY PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND Education: 1996 Ed.D., Organizational Psychology/ Organizational & Transformative Learning, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. Dissertation: Transformative Learning: A Case Study of Thomas’ Theory of Diversity 1988 M.Ed., Corporate Education, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio 1970 B.A., Psychology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan Professional Positions: 2008-Present Associate Dean for AcademicContinue Reading