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Lydie Mpembele

June 16, 1947 - May 8, 2015
Thompson, Hall & Jordan Funeral Home
11400 Winton Rd
Forest Park, OH 45240
513-742-3600 | Map
Saturday 5/16, 9:00 am - 11:00 am
Thompson, Hall & Jordan Funeral Home
11400 Winton Rd
Forest Park, OH 45240
513-742-3600 | Map
Saturday 5/16, 11:00 am
Landmark Memorial Gardens
500 Oak Rd.
Glendale, OH 45246

“Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it” (Ecclesiastes 12:7 KJV). On Mai 8th, we lost our mother, sister, aunt, grandmother, mother in-law, and friend after a battle with a liver disease. We will miss her presence until we meet again inContinue Reading

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Patricia MAMBULU left a message on January 29, 2016:
3 files added to the album OOOH GOD, only You know how much I miss Her!!!!!
Patricia MAMBULU left a message on January 29, 2016:
Every single Day, I realise how much she was divine. Thank you GOD for giving me her in my life as my mom. Never forget you, always in my mind and heart. Thank you for letting me Jesus Christ, the most precious gift left to us your kids.
Patricia Mambulu left a message on June 17, 2015:
Love you forever dear Angel Tender Mom
condolence-image Thompson, Hall and Jordan Funeral Home left a message:
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.
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