“Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it” (Ecclesiastes 12:7 KJV). On Mai 8th, we lost our mother, sister, aunt, grandmother, mother in-law, and friend after a battle with a liver disease. We will miss her presence until we meet again in paradise. I think we all remember her as a kind, loving, and generous person who was beautiful in the inside as well as on the outside.
Mom Lydie Mpembele Mambulu was born on June 16, 1947 to maman Helene Lufita Zangu and papa Ferdinand Mpembele Luyeye in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. She was the big sister of her seven other sisters and three brothers. In her professional life, she was a teacher and taught elementary school. In addition, she worked as a secretary at the Congolese Office of Control for years before quitting that position to be a full time mom. In the summer of 1969, Mom Lydie was married to Mr. Baudouin Mambulu who preceded her in death in 1998. Mom Lydie gave birth to six biological children: Lieven, Yves, David, Regis, Nanou and Gladys Mambulu. In addition to her biological children, she raised three step-children: Patricia, Olga and Blaise Mambulu. Mom Lydie was “maman” to almost everybody in the family. Therefore, as a big sister, she raised most of her siblings, some cousins, neph-ews and nieces, as well as some in-laws. Mom Lydie counted a total of 21 grandchildren.
Mom Lydie was a born again Christian and servant of the Lord. In Kinshasa, she was member of the church “LABORNE” before becoming “ROUAH” church’s fellow and servant. In addition, she was part of a group of powerful and anointed Christian women called “LES MAMANS LEADERS”. Here in Cincinnati, she was affiliate to RESTORATION church. As a devoted and devout Christian and true follower of Christ, she understood the great com-mission found book of Matthew which states: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:19-20 NIV). As a result, she led countless family members and neighbors to know Christ and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Job well done maman Lydie! Moreover, mom Lydie was a woman of faith. Even in her hospital bed battling this disease, she kept telling those who were visiting her or calling her to believe that God was going to heal her so that all the glory goes to Him.
Mom Lydie was so loved and cherished by all her family and friends and she loved them back. Mom Lydie tremendously supported all her family financially and gave generously to numerous ministries for the advancement of the Kingdom of God. We are so fortunate and grateful that we had a mom, sister, aunt, grandmother, mother-in-law and friend so capable of expressing her love for us. Although she will be missed, we feel comforted that she accomplished more than she could have dreamed in life. May her heart rest in peace.
“Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it” (Ecclesiastes 12:7 KJV). On Mai 8th, we lost our mother, sister, aunt, grandmother, mother in-law, and friend after a battle with a liver disease. We will miss her presence until we meet again inContinue Reading