
Lillian Jones

April 26, 1934 - November 9, 2011
There are no events scheduled.

Lillian Graham Hawthorne Jones a.k.a. “Lil,” “Mom” “Grams” was one of a kind woman who lived her life to the fullest, gave her heart, time and attention to her family and community, and quietly broke barriers, blazed trails and brightened the world she graced. Lillian was born on April 26, 1934 in Meigs, Georgia, toContinue Reading

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Pamela Cone left a message on July 25, 2012:
I just heard today of Mrs. Lillian Jones' death. My sympathy to the family. I knew her in a professional manner but she made such a large impact on me even in the short time I knew her.
Joann Brophy left a message on November 16, 2011:
Judge Jones, I am so sorry to hear of the passing of your dear wife, Lillian. I had not gotten the chance to meet her but from all I have heard, she will be greatly missed. My sincerest condolences go out to you and your family at this difficult time. Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Jewel Boswell Hudson left a message on November 13, 2011:
Dearest Judge Jones and Pumpkin, As I looked up at the moon this evening I could see Lil smiling back at me, she hired me for my first job at Woolworth's in Youngstown, Ohio. Her Kisses will rain down on you with each rain drop and snow flake and the sun will continue to remind you of her loving ways, stand strong just like she would want you too and know that even when you don't see or hear from friends of old, we still love and think of you.
Candace Love left a message on November 13, 2011:
Dear Uncle Nathaniel, Stephanie, Corey,Ricky,Mark, and family I am sorry for the loss of your wife, mother,and my aunt best friend Lil I have known Lil as my aunt's best friend all my life I cant image my aunt without Lil I want to thank you Uncle Nathaniel for the night you and Lil drove me around Cincinnati when I was in town It was a magical evening for me attending the Gala and also the affair for the Lawyers I will miss my Aunt Lil With all my love, Candae Love Aunt Claudettes niece
judge joyce alexander ford and mayor johnny ford left a message on November 12, 2011:
Please accept our deepest sympathies upon learning this morning of the passing of Lillian. We will always remember her endearing smile and love of family.
condolence-advertisement Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
Gino Battisti left a message on November 11, 2011:
Dear Judge Jones: On behalf of the Battisti family, I wish to extend to you and your family our sincere and heartfelt condolences on your loss. I had the privilege to meet Lillian just once -- at my Uncle Frank's funeral service back in 1994. I remember her as a vibrant and intelligent woman and I recall vididly speaking with her. She was indeed a beautiful and special lady. Nate, you have been such a dear and treasured friend of the Battisti family for so many years. We are heartbroken over your loss. We are so proud of you and wish to thank you for all you have done for us. You will be today, and in the days to come, in our thoughts and prayers. We love you, and God bless.
Erika Watkins Echavarria left a message on November 11, 2011:
I considered myself lucky to have Lillian as a part of my family. From the time I was a young child I remember her as a beautiful woman, full of life, with the sweetest voice, and a special glow about her. She was special and someone as special as Lil will never be forgotten. I send my heartfelt sympathy to Nate, James, and her children. Words cannot heal the pain of losing someone so dear. May God give you the strength to overcome the pain.
condolence-image Thompson, Hall and Jordan Funeral Home left a message:
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.
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